Oh my buddha too
Oh my buddha lah, I am going to be very stress these few days as I got some issues at hand. The issues are so heavy that I cant support them with one hand. I need both hands. Oh my Buddha~~~~From 28 nov 2006 to 12 dec 2006, I am on my national service standby, 24hours a day. If the higher authority decides to activate us during this time, I have to report back to camp. The only consolation I have is that my camp is located at Nee Soon Camp, which is consider near when I stay in Woodlands. Heehee.Next, I have school stuffs to worry about during the one month "half time break" for semester2. CE modules, PPs... Duh and more duhs.
On par with a beggar
Sometimes when we see beggars on the street, we ignored them simply by walking pass them or pretend they didt exist, yet sometimes we also take heart and give them money. I had a taste of how it feels like being ignored in the streets yesterday.So whats the feeling like? Even the stray cats and dogs will fare better than me. At least they get comments like "oh so cute" or "poor thing". The yesterday me cant even be compared with beggars and straying animals. I was treated like I didnt exist.NVM, since I gotten a taste of how it feels like, I want to taste it further. I went to buy a single movie ticket for Happy Feet and for the first time in my life, I went to watch a movie by myself. I did a scanning inside the cinema and it appears I am the only odd ones out. People came in groups, in families, in couples. When the show ended, I simply just hurried off because the awkwardness will come when the cinema lighting came on.Was quite sick yesterday but so many things happened that made me feel even worst today. Both my leg feel so weak now as I must have over exert them while I was playing basketball. Plus skipping lunch doesnt make it better for me.Anyway, I want Manchester United to defeat Chelsea, at least this is the only thing that can make me happy. Cant wait till Sunday night...
Death, there's no way you can avoid it
Recently there have been reports about people who died in their sleep. They all are seemingly healthy people. Yet they become history without even the tiniest of warning. What in the world is going on? Unknown virus? Undiscover medical problem? A curse? The weather turning cold? Their genes? God's will? Conspiracy?You decide.When your time is up, its up. But to be made dead in sure a manner is not expected by anyone. The person should still have many unfinished business.Maybe we should cherish everyday that we are fortunate to be born humans and be alive. Be glad that the fact you can walk, think, jump, clap, sing, talk... These are many things other species are not able to do.Anyone may be the next chosen one to go. I may be the next, of course I dont want that to happen. I am having slight flu and headache. I am going to sleep soon. Tired.I love you.
Who define creative?
Creative is a big word, yet it can be small at the same time. When something is deem creative, it, most of the time, is a original work and worth the tab creative. Little kids produced some form of art, simple it may seem to adults, kids think they are creative. Big kids produced art too, but when their work is not good, they are not creative. My queston is, who fits to define creative? Anyone, who produces original work, is creative. No one is fit to say anything bad about their work, nor they should ask the designer to change anything, simply because a piece of "art" is what a person is trying to potray, it is their expression. By asking them to change, you might as well take over the job. I cant find the right phrases to express what i wanna say. Expressing myself in words is something i like to do. Although my english is not powderful enough, i like to engage people to think and challenge their thinking, that is, if i have the mood. There's something totally not related to this blog title that is bugging me... should i or should i not. It seems fate has given me a chance to think properly again. Cmon, I need a miracle phenomenon.