I wanna revamp
Thinking of making my blog into a combination of thoughts and photoblog. I got a lousy digital cam so i figured it wont take any good definition shots. Anyway, you need to have the talent in photo taking.Special photos are, special. You have to be able to take them when others cant. You have to imagine the angle you need and the distance you need. I think when it comes to photo taking, one cant learn. You can only depend on yourself, your own creativity. I hope I can post some nice pics soon. =]
Prada Prada
Went to watched "The Devil wears Prada" with dear dear yesterday. causeway pt cinema 3 seats B17 and B18.Its a show about a ordinary gal who wanna work as a journalist and ended up being in a magazine company and was named the "new emily". She had only wanted a job but soon she became very ambitious in her career. In short, she became a materialistic gal. She broke up with her bf amd pursue her career.But she was brought back down to earth when she realise her peers are starting to stay away from her and she was not the usual person before she joined her new company. She soon realised bags, shoes, glamour are only superficial. She truly value friendship more. In the end, she quit her job and returned to be with her ex bf. (I wonder wat will happen if her bf knows she had went to bed with another guy???? hahaha)I was kinda feeling sick inside the cinema, dear dear was caring enough to offer me her jacket and tried her best to keep me warm with her arms. Thanks dear dear~I was at dear's place earlier in the day and we went to eat Loy Kee chicken rice~~ not bad.. above is the picture of our food, taken by yours truly. o_OV
The season is about to begin!
Yesh, the English Premier League is going to start soon and I cant wait for Manchester United to regain their rightful spot - first, champions.I had been supporting Manchester United since I was in secondary 3 and was very proud when they did the treble back in 1999. They won the league title, fa cup and the champions league. I witnessed everything on tv! whoa~Nobody will believe I am a die hard supporter. Whenever I see or heard Manchester United has been knocked out of cup competitions or whenever they lose a match, I will feel kinda upset, really. One good example is when Man Utd is looking for a goal they desperately need but cant, hitting the goal post, narrow miss, offisde given, I will like "ARGH!!!" cmon Man Utd! You can do it!!!" My heart will pound very fast one too.This time round, I hope Man Utd can win the league. They are one team that cant stand losing. I like their mentality. Whenever I play soccer or basketball, I will have the same mentality. I cannot imagine Manchester United not winning the league after 2 years of looking up to Chelsea. Now the team rest on young shoulders like Rooney, Ronaldo, Rossi and veterans like Giggs, Scholes, Edwin van de sar and Neville to bring back the glory once more. I will support them, always, anytime.
Selected 2 pics taken on my bday

Bday cake was nice and dear is even nicer~
Gal Gal was so playful, thoughtful, creative... Along with my Family Members
Woot, today is mooooi birthday. Damn it, getting older and older. It was just 7hrs 30mins ago that the day turned 2 august 2006. On the dot, I received my best ever birthday surprise to date. Here how's 1st august 2006 goes....Okay, went to school as per normal.It is when I reached home the surprises began to unfold!!!I was very sleepy in school and I can even fall asleep and dreamed while attending a talk by HSA and Chiron Club. I smsed dear about this and she adviced me to sleep after I got home.Which I obediently did. It was 6.30pm at that time. After a brief nap, I woke up at about 9.15pm. I immediatedly called dear on her hp to see whether had she reached home as she normally reaches home at about 8.30pm and would let me know. She called back and said she was sleepy and had gone to sleep, oh well... sleep so early meh... I wished her good night. I got out of my room, went to see what is for dinner. There was none so I just cook a bowl of instant mee. I began to feel very weird. I somehow think something is not quite right. But i never knew what was going to happen next. The way my mother and sister talks baffled me. Their actions baffled me. The place was kept unusually tidy (normally it was a bit messy) I was thinking oh well maybe its just to tidy up the place since my birthday is coming. Then sister said she wanna go downstairs to buy drinks, mother joined in to say she wanna buy too. Very very strange! Because even they do wanna celebrate my birthday, they would usually just order pizza or watever; the effort will be minimal.I continued not to bother about them and just watch my TV and doing my work in my laptop. Time was 11.50pm... I MSN one of my friend telling him I will be sleeping 10minutes later. I also wondered if dear would wake up and smsed me happi birthday.12.00am is here...2 August 2006 is here. Mooi birthday~ Sister walked to me, said she saw something in my room, i went to check....WAAAAAAAAAA DEAR DEAR WAS INSIDE MY ROOM!!!! Holding a cake somemore!!! She sang birthday song to me, nice. Wow... she actually collaborated with my mother and sister while I was asleep during that time. It turns out when I called dear, dear was already at my home, inside toilet! I was so stupid!! haha... sister very smart ah... hid the cake well, hid dear dear's shoes well, ALL PRETEND NOTHING HAD HAPPENED AH!! ONLY I WAS IN THE DARK SIA....! Dear dear had been in my sisters's room all this while. From the time she reached ( I guessed at about 9pm) to 12.00am, it was a whole 3 hours inside my sis's room., never even come out drink water or go toilet. Dear u are so nice to me just to give me this pleasant surprise~~ I appreciate your efforts so much. I just cant describe how i felt. Thank u muack. I made a wish, took some photos and we ate the cake. Yum eh... Bengawan Solo cake ( i hoped i didnt spelled wrongly)After that, I accompany dear back home. Really, dear, you are playful, thoughtful and creative! =] o_OV