Monday, April 03, 2006

Humans Lives

We live in a fast paced Singapore where many things are improving all the time. Inevitedly, there will be people who cant follow the pace.

From the transition of a teenager to an adult, from being a student to joining the workforce, its changes. From that moment on, they will start to earn their first of many paychecks. Some will advance in their careers, some will stuck right there. As they aged, they might already have a substantial amount of savings prepared for their retirement. They start a family and have kids. Everyone seems to be doing the same thing over and over again in Singapore. Is that how life should be? We know we dont have a choice. The money is a factor. Generation continuety is a factor.

It seems we are brought to this world to worry about survival. Once you are dead, your story ends. So, take it easy in life... learn to appreciate all the little things around you. When you are stressed out, sing to yourself. Have a calm mind. Everything will fall into places one day.

ps: i don't know what i am writing.


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